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©2014 Jaci Clark Photography-13.jpg


I’m Anella Wetter, and I write to wrestle meaning out of life.


Writing helps me discover who I am. I know that when I’m willing to be transparent, my stories offer a way for others to  remove their own masks. Most of my work can be found on my Blog, along with a two pieces published on the popular website Elephant Journal. Here’s a glimpse into a few of my favorite pieces:

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Follow me on Instagram @anella.wetter

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Words--whether written or spoken--are my passion. As a child, I made my friends play “school” when they came to my house. In college, I was an English major, which led to becoming high school English teacher. When my own children were learning language, I encouraged them to use their words when they felt frustrated or angry or sad. In my corporate career, we create materials that help children learn how to read.

The words that come from within are like gold--natural, pure, and precious.

I’m living proof that our life’s stories are our greatest teachers, if we are willing to listen within for truth.