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3 Steps to Positively Shift the Relationships that Are Most Important to You

By Anella Wetter

Published at, August 2018


By Anella Wetter

Published in Purpose Fairy, August 2018


Breathe in Your Truth: How the Voice I Heard on a Yoga Mat Changed Me

by Anella Wetter

Published in Elephant Journal, March 2018

Elephant Journal image

4 Ways to Activate a Key Human Superpower

by Anella Wetter

Published in Elephant Journal, June 2017


This warmly written, easy read is packed with power. The author describes her experience using Law of Attraction principles to bring in "the one" and shares her list of 100 must-have qualities she was looking for in a mate. The list is thoughtful and illuminating, with insightful elaboration and useful prompts designed to get you thinking about what you might put on YOUR list. Highly recommended!

-Maggie McReynolds, Author, Un-Settling Woman

In Hear Me Universe: Attract Your Soulmate by Declaring Your Heart's Desires, Anella Wetter shares her own personal experience, in this Amazon best seller to show women that in order to find the relationship that aligns with your heart’s desires, you have to be truly clear about the qualities of your ideal. 

Hear Me Universe! models how to get that clarity.

Based on the Law of Attraction, which is the concept that we bring into our lives whatever we are focusing on, Hear Me Universe! demonstrates how all thoughts turn into things, eventually, and how the untapped abilities of the mind can be accessed to shift our beliefs about our own worthiness to attract the relationship that we sincerely desire.

Hear Me Universe! is your guide to finding the love you seek by first acknowledging your own unique qualities, which means dropping self-judgment; by releasing the negative stories about past loves, which are cluttering your energy; and by sending out a declaration to the universe that you still want the relationship of which you’ve always dreamed

More Praise for Hear Me Universe!

As a coach and mentor to many women, I would recommend this book as a journey of self-love and self worth. The book is an enjoyable, easy read yet thought provoking into asking ourselves the deeper question around what we really desire. I think Anella's process is simple yet profound, and I especially love her journal prompts!

-Regena Garrepy, Essence Leadership Coach & Director of Training at Mike Dooley

I read the entire book on an airplane and couldn't put it down. Through her heartwarming antidotes, the author deepens into two important Law of Attraction principles: 1) getting clear about our desire; and 2) knowing why we want the specific traits in a person. An easy yet powerful tool to creating a meaningful relationship!

-Melissa Rocci, Attorney & Co-founder at The Happiness Coalition

This is a perfect and timely book for every single person man or woman. The way Anella explains in detail each item on her list guided me to write mine. Overall after reading this book and finishing my list, I am more confident and expectant of only good happening in my dating life. Being grounded in liking yourself and respecting yourself is essential not just to finding a good relationship with a good man, but also to enjoying the dating journey along the way.

Dr.Stem, Sithembile Mahlatini, Psychotherapist, Motivational Speaker, Author

What a great book to give to any single friend. I wish I had been given it years ago. It makes you really look at what you want focus on it in the most positive way. I totally enjoyed it and I've been in a relationship for years, but some of the things couple can do together are really great. Like "gazing." We tried that exercise and it made us feel much more engaged with each other.

Ramey Warren, Co-founder & Executive Director, Pearl xChange


Professional Bio for Media Use--

Anella Wetter received her B.A. in English from the University of Kentucky and her M. Ed., from Georgetown College. Based in Lexington, Wetter is a writer and speaker. Her first book, Hear Me Universe: Attract Your Soulmate by Declaring Your Heart’s Desires, is an Amazon best seller. Wetter speaks at leading events including the Women’s Empowerment Summit, Possibilities in Paradise, and Sensitive Soulful Women Summit. She also teaches non-fiction writing classes at the Carnegie Center for Literacy.

 In addition, Wetter began her writing career in affiliation with the National Writing Project at George Mason University, where she participated in the Intensive Journaling process developed by Dr. Ira Progoff and brought a version of this process into her classroom teaching. Wetter served as a district language arts administrator in Kentucky during the implementation of large-scale writing portfolio assessment and co-wrote an article for publication in English Leadership Quarterly.*

Wetter is a Certified Trainer™ in Infinite Possibilities: The Art of Living Your Dreams with Mike Dooley. She has worked with Development Dimensions International in Advanced Coaching and Communicating for Success. More on Anella Wetter may be found on

*Russell, David R., Starr Lewis, and Anella Riggs [Wetter]. "Growing Together: Curricular and Professional Development Through Collaborative Portfolio Assessment." English Leadership Quarterly 18 (1996): 13-18.

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